Celebrate May with Fact Forward
Many organizations across the country (both state and national), that perform similar work to Fact Forward have started calling May Sex Ed for All Month. Fact Forward has made the decision this year to stand alongside these organizations and celebrate Sex Ed for All Month. This reframing focuses on sexual health information and the access and rights young people deserve to make healthy decisions. The space of teen pregnancy prevention has changed, and we believe this more inclusive and positive approach reflects those changes appropriately.
This doesn’t mean that Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month won’t be celebrated. It is virtually impossible to talk about sex education for all and not talk about teen pregnancy prevention. Our messaging throughout Sex Ed for All Month will focus heavily on adolescent pregnancy and STI prevention, as well as consent and healthy relationships.
Both campaigns have the same goal: making sure all adolescents and young adults have access to the best sex education and health care possible. We are proud to stand alongside numerous organizations also dedicated to keeping young people healthy.
“We’re excited to see the space of adolescent health continue to grow. This reframing of Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month is just one example of how we’re choosing to grow with it,” Beth De Santis, CEO of Fact Forward, said. “Any opportunity we are given to be more inclusive is an opportunity Fact Forward will take. I look forward to how our organization and others in this field will continue to grow in the future.”