Talk About Protection

We get it. Talking to your kids about using protection is scary. But it's a conversation you need to be proactive about.

Educate yourself

Birth control has changed since you were a teen. There are new methods, new brands, and more options than ever. Trust us: your teen will ask about them. It's not enough just to know what they are, you also have to make sure your child knows how to use them the right way. 

Ready to get a crash course on birth control? Check out Power to Decide's explorer

...Especially about new types of birth control and how to get it

Did you know there's a form of birth control that lasts a long time, is completely reversible and safe, and your teen doesn't even have to think about it after they have it? Ask your doctor about low-maintenance birth control

No excuses

Sure it's uncomfortable. But if you don't talk to your child, they're going to hear about how to use protection (or not) from their friends, partners, or the media. Wouldn't you rather they heard it from you?

Common Misconceptions

"If I teach my child about birth control, I'm giving them permission to have sex."

Not according to the research. In fact, teens that talk with their parents are more likely to delay having sex and more likely to use condoms and birth control when they do have sex. 

"If my child asks about condoms or birth control, it means they're having sex."

Teens are curious. Maybe they heard something at school and want to talk about it with someone they trust (that's right, they trust you). Or maybe they just want to be prepared why they do eventually become sexually active. No matter why they're asking, remember this is a great opportunity for you to start a conversation with your child.