Summer Institute 2022: A Recap

The 2022 Summer Institute was held at the North Charleston Marriott from June 14-16. Now in it’s 23 rd year, Summer Institute - Redefining a New Era in Adolescent Health: From ________ to Facts...

What Is #SexEdForAll Month?

Authored by Rena Dixon, PhD, MPH, MCHES Director of Health Services Are you wondering why we aren’t talking about teen pregnancy prevention month? Not to worry, it’s simple and I’ll explain it to you...

South Carolina Teen Birth Rate Declines, But Disparities Remain

Although South Carolina’s national teen birth ranking hasn’t changed, the state saw an 11 percent decrease in the teen (ages 15-19; all references to teens are for the 15-19 age range) birth rate...

Honoring a Gem for Women's History Month

Authored by Avis Wright, MPH, CHES, Fact Forward's Partner Engagement Manager “When women support women, amazing things can happen.” This Viola Davis quote sums up my amazing coworker, Carol...

Meet our Intern - Megan Austin

Meet our intern, Megan Austin! What school are you attending? The University of South Carolina What are you studying? Master of Public Health (MPH) in Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior and a...

Cervical Health Awareness Month Conversation with Hope Garcia & Beth De Santis

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month! In this video which originally premiered on Facebook Live, Fact Forward CEO Beth De Santis discusses prevention, testing, and cervical cancer with Hope...

FFA Presents: An interview with Deiona Carter Boswell, LPC of Building Bridges Counseling & Wellness

What is People, Passions, and Projects? Presented by Fact Forward Academy, People, Passions, and Projects is a web series that will expand upon the work of Fact Forward. It introduces our audience to...

World AIDS Day is TODAY

World AIDS Day was first observed in 1988. Each year, organizations and individuals across the world bring attention to the HIV epidemic, endeavor to increase HIV awareness and knowledge, speak out...

Preparing for the Season of Generosity

Authored by April Borkman, MA, Fact Forward Immediate Past Chair As Thanksgiving and Giving Tuesday approaches, it is likely that we will have countless emails flooding our inboxes asking for support...

Pregnancy Prevention: Where Do Men Fall In Line?

Looking at our country's culture, there is a common misconception that women are primarily responsible for contraception and pregnancy prevention. Ideally, the decisions to have sex and use...